Dental Bridges

What is a Dental Bridge?

A bridge can be utilized in cases where the patient is not a candidate for a dental implant.  The alternative to replace the missing tooth is to have a bridge placed. An alternate tooth is created by our lab and attached to two crowns made for the natural teeth that are on either side of the space where the tooth is missing.  These crowns and the alternate tooth are one piece and are fixed over the natural teeth... unlike a denture, bridges are not removable.  A bridge will not only help with appearance and function but can also allow other teeth to last longer by reducing the stress put on them when a tooth or teeth are missing.  Bridges can be used to replace teeth that are missing from any place in your mouth as long as the teeth that would be used to anchor the bridge are healthy and strong.

Why would a Dental Bridge be needed?

The most common reason for needing a bridge is because you're missing a tooth. You might want to avoid having surgery done to place an implant or you're not a good candidate for implant surgery. Bridgework helps to restore the fullness of your smile while improving functionality. Because of your bridge, your surrounding teeth are less likely to become crooked and crowded.

Who is a candidate for a Dental Bridge?

We can examine your teeth to determine if a fixed bridge is right for you. In order for the bridge to fit properly and securely, it'll need to be placed over two surrounding teeth. In general, the larger the bridge, the less secure it will be. We may recommend implants to hold a bridge if we feel it wouldn't be secure enough on its own.

What happens during the Dental Bridge Procedure?

The procedure begins with a local anesthetic to numb one area of the mouth. We then shape and file down the surrounding teeth. This will help to make room for the new fixed bridge. Impressions are then taken and will be used to create both a temporary and permanent bridge. You'll go home with the temporary one in place and will need to come back for a second appointment for the permanent. The temporary bridge is removed and the permanent one placed securely using a dental-grade adhesive. We polish and adjust the new bridge and provide you with instructions on how to brush and floss around it.

If you think you might benefit from a dental bridge, call our office today so that our helpful staff members can further assist you.